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a frank fact

1 Sep

I’m a star!  Thanks to Uncle Reggie I can now be seen all over the world on youtube!

My Uncle Reggie is the world’s foremost comedic Obama impressionist!  He invited my sister, Sasha, and me to be in his latest political satire!

Check out the rest of Reggie’s work at or


a frank fact

19 Aug

did you know this silly thing is called an Elizabethan collar?  they are named after the ruffs men, women, and children would wear around their necks back in the mid-sixteenth century to the mid-seventeenth century.

well let me tell you, they were NOT classy then and they are NOT classy now!


can you believe my parents have made me wear this for the past 4 weeks?!


franky on my mind

22 Jul

franky is going into surgery tomorrow for an ACL tear.  please keep the pup in your thoughts/prayers.  we love you franky!

Gallery 12 Dec

sunday football with frankie

Image 10 Dec

Frank enjoying Lake Michigan

My Days in Focus

A photographic journal by Dan Miller


Trying to live a creative life